Living in a tropical country, it’s only natural for me to be surrounded by what many parts of the world call as “exotic fruits,” and that includes the jackfruit.  Jackfruits abound in the place where I live that we don’t even have to buy them as friends or relatives simply share them every time they make a harvest. Growing up, we also had a jackfruit tree, and during summer time we had too much supply coming from our own backyard that we can make into delicious jams. Back then, all I could think about was the sweet penetrating smell and deliciousness of this spiky fruit. Now that I know its health promoting goodness, there’s more reason to pig out on the sweet yellow sheaths of the world’s largest tree-borne fruit.

Strengthens the immune system

Vitamin C is one of the most widely used supplements as it is best known as the nutrient which helps prevent colds and infections. One cup of jackfruit can supply the body a very good amount of this potent antioxidant.

Regulates blood sugar levels

A high blood sugar level is one of the manifestations of a deficiency of the mineral manganese in the body, and jackfruit contains a very good amount of this essential nutrient.

Prevents bone loss

The fruit’s rich magnesium content supports the work of calcium to build and strengthen bones. Study participants have shown that those who consume foods high in potassium and magnesium has higher bone density reading and stronger bones compared to those who didn’t.

Keeps thyroid healthy

Copper plays an important role in thyroid metabolism especially in hormone production and absorption and jackfruit is packed with this essential micromineral.

Lowers risk of heart disease

Just like most fruits and vegetables, the jackfruit is also heart-friendly. This is due to its vitamin B6 content which may help reduce homocystein levels in the blood.