If the food ration of the pregnant woman in the first half of pregnancy should answer all demands and requirements of the normal rational nutrition, in the second half it should be enriched with proteins - 2 g of protein per 1 kg of weight. This should be firstly reached by milk, from 0,75 till 1 liter per day, dairy products, mild cheese) and fat (1,5 g per 1 kg of weight).

It is necessary to avoid savoury, pickle, to lessen the amount of dishes containing extractive nutrients (meat, fish and mushrooms bouillons); nutrients which strengthen the intake of vitamins (vegetables, fruit, juice), including synthetic preparates.

Its is very useful to intake 25-30 g vegetable oil, which is enriched with vitamin Е. Salt and liquids should be limited (4-5 cups per day).

Strong drinks are restricted.

Food ration in the first half of the pregnancy should be taken 4 times a day and in the second half – 5 - 6 times.