First Aid

First aid for children. Shaken Baby Syndrome

What is shaken baby syndrome?Shaken baby syndrome is the term that is used to describe a form of child abuse caused by vigorously shaking an infant, o…
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First aid for children. Dehydration

Dehydration means that a child's body lacks enough fluid. Dehydration can result from not drinking, vomiting, diarrhea, or any combination of these co…
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First aid for children. Respiratory tract obstruction in children

Most of the patients presented with foreign body inhalations, some due to allergic oedema and one case had laryngeal cyst causing respiratory tract ob…
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Frst aid for children. Choking

When a child is choking, it means that an object — usually food or a toy — is lodged in the trachea (the airway) and is keeping air from flowing norma…
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First aid for children. Bone fractures

A fracture consists of a break or crack in the bone. There are two types of fractures. The first is a "simple fracture." This term refers to a fractur…
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First aid for children. Respiratory tract obstruction in infants

BACKGROUND: The systematic approach of the pediatric patient with recurrent upper airway obstruction (RUAO) must be based on a through clinical histor…
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First aid for children. Bleeding in children

Bleeding can occur after minor or major cuts and scrapes. The first thing to do is to put firm pressure on the wound with a clean cloth. Continue to h…
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Household Safety Checklist

Outdoors/Backyard/Pool- Are all walkways and outdoor stairways well lit?- Are all walkways clear of toys, objects, or anything blocking a clear path?-…
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First aid for children. Heat Disorders

Heat disorders are a group of physically related illnesses caused by prolonged exposure to hot temperatures, restricted fluid intake, or failure of te…
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First aid for. Disorders of consciousness

Disorders of consciousness are medical conditions that inhibit consciousness. Some define disorders of consciousness as any change from complete self-…
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First aid for children. Burns to a child

From kids washing up under a too-hot faucet to an accidental tipping of a coffee cup, burns are a potential hazard in every home. In fact, burns, espe…
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First Aid Themes