Anush F. Aleksanyan

My consultations

Director of  specialized psychological center "Yerkusov"

Specialist at Personnel training and certification department of National Institute of Education, Ministry of Education and Science

4 Zarubyan str., apt.11, Yerevan, Armenia
+374 94 58 48 40
+374 93 06 20 63
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Scientific Degree

MA in psychology


Yerevan state university, Faculty of philosophy, sociology and psychology


UNFPA, Stambul, “Technical Conference on Healthy Lifestyle Teaching in Eastern Europe and Central Asia” in Eastern Europe and Central Asia
UNICEF, NGO “Huysi Kamurj”, NIE, “Inclusive Education” 30-hour module course for trainers (Certificate)
Perkins International, ASPY, Charity NGO “For you”, Yerevan, RA, Seminar on “Major Issues of Education and Upbringing of Children Having Multiple Disabilities” (Certificate), OSCE, Yerevan, RA
Course for trainers of human rights teaching (Certificate), UNDP, Yerevan, RA
“Teaching tolerance” manual testing for high school head teachers and course for trainers (Certificate)
“Vstahutyun” Center for Social Work and Social Research, Yerevan, RA, Training on “Teaching Gender and the Development of Leadership”
NIE Ministry of Education and Science, NGO “Prevention, education and care of HIV”, Course for “Healthy Lifestyle” course trainers
NIE Ministry of Education and Science, “Mission East”, NGO “Huysi Kamurj”, “Inclusive Education” training course for trainers
UNICEF, “Սամյուսոսիալ Մոսկվա” French Embassy, Moscow RF, International conference on “Lets Build a City, that will have Room for Every Child, Room for all the Children”
National Institute of work and social research, Yerevan, RA, “Major Questions of Organizing the Work of Day-care Centers in RA” (Certificate)
“Vaskenian Theological Seminary”, Sevan, RA, Reporter, “Conference dedicated to the 1600th anniversary of alphabet invention”, (Certificate)
“ Republican Center for Psychological Service”, Yerevan, RA
“Child Aid in Stressful Situations” workshop, 1st, 2nd և 3rd phases (Certificate)
“Basics of Psychological Consulting” 72 hours (Certificate)
“Basics of play theraphy” 72 hours (Certificate)
“The Types of Psychological Work when Dealing with Children having Fears” 18 hours (Certificate)
“The Development of Psychological Consulting Skills” 60 hours (Certificate)
“Basics of Group Consulting” 72 hours (Certificate)


Professional activity

Psychologist-consultant (psychotherapist)
Psychotherapy with adults ( Anxiety disorders (Neuroses), dependency, relationship problems, various family problems)
Psychological assessment - diagnosis of developmental problems and other issues, consultation of parents having children with disabilities
Supervision of various trainings for pedagogues, psychologists, social pedagogues and lecturers working at Preschool educational institutions and Public educational institution on topics, such as the development of professional skills, acquiring new approaches etc.
Psychologist of pedagogy
Organization, coordination and supervision of trainings for special pedagogues, social pedagogues and psychologists working at Public educational institutions
Responsible person for gender education
Expertised the educational-methodological literature from psychological-pedagogical aspect
Expert of “Healthy lifestyle” training
Trainer of teachers’ and pedagogues’ trainer in the frameworks of “Inclusive Education” programme Trainer of pedagogues


A. Aleksanyan, “Six-year-old children and the compulsary school education” , Pegagogy 5-6, 2008, 45-58
A. Aleksanyan, “A Six-year-old child in a school”, Preschool education, Pedagogical thinking, 2008, 28-34
A. Aleksanyan, “Learning Difficulties as the Major Issue of Pedagogy”. Naxashavigh 4-5, 2008, 84-97
A. Aleksanyan, “Fight of Emotions”, Musical performance 2, Edit print 2010, p. 24:
A. Aleksanyan, V. Savkina, F. Aleksanyan, “Me and my World”, Musical performance 4, Edit print 2010, p. 48
A. Aleksanyan, Methodological guideline for a psychologist working at school, Antares 2011, p. 112
World Vision Armenia
A. Aleksanyan and others, “Let’s Talk about it”, Manual for adolescents, Yerevan 2014, p. 84
“Hope and Help” NGO
A. Aleksanyan, “How to Prevent Violence at School”, an educational-methodological manual for pedagogues, Lusabats – 2015, p. 102
Project harmony international
A. Aleksanyan, “Prevention of Violence and Ill-treatment of Children in the Family”, Trainer's guide, Yerevan
UNFPA and “Serundneri hamershxutyun” NGO
A. Aleksanyan, S. Mkhitaryan, Manual for trainers: ‹‹Հավասարակիցների մեթոդով ուսուցման ձեռնարկ››
“Society without violence” NGO
"Woman and Man: Different, but Equal”
Professional editing
Save the children international: Manual of Disaster Risk Reduction for pedagogues and specialists working at inclusive schools
Moscow office of UNESCO, “Maintaining Reproductive Health” programme, Yerevan, RA
“Methodological Basics of Healthy Lifestyle Teaching at Public School”, Part II, Manual for students of Armenian State Institute of Physical Culture

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