While other fitness buffs are thinking about toned legs and arms, women doing the following plan can revel in their own little secret: Not only will it give you a flat belly, but it'll also boost your sex drive—in an hour. Studies show that women's sexual satisfaction directly correlates to their exercise quotient. 
"Working out boosts endorphins that get you in the mood," says Laura Berman, PhD, founder of the Berman Center, a sexual health clinic in Chicago. She teamed up with Prevention to devise this exclusive libido-boosting routine, based on her book The Passion Prescription. 
Daily Kegels plus, on alternating days, five more sex-enhancing moves designed to target the pelvic floor and abs. "Increasing the circulation to the pelvic area is a key component of better sex," she says. Just be forewarned: The aphrodisiac effect of this plan might kick in immediately.