Tamara F. Sarkisian

My consultations
Chief genetic of RA
Director Center of Medical Genetics and Primary Health Care
34/3 Abovyan str, 001, Yerevan, Armenia
+374 10 54 43 65
Question to doctor

Scientific Degree

Doctor of biological science




Medical Practice

Since 1989
Director, Center of Medical Genetics and Primary Health Care
Department of Genetics and Cytology Junior investigator Senior Investigator Ass.Prof, Professor Yerevan State University
Professor, Head of Department Yerevan State Medical University
Expert on impact of genetics on the organization of health care services and training of health professionals, Council of Europe, Strasbourg
Since 2009
Head of Department of medical genetics, genetic epidemiology and molecular diagnostics, NIH, MOH, RA, Armenia
Since 2009
Expert of CDSP, Council of Europe, Strasbourg


1.Àrutyunyan R., Oganyan V., Sarkisian T (1977) Modelling of a modification of chemical mutagenesis in human cells. 1.Elimination of chromosomal aberrations. Genetica (Russ) 13/ 9:1632-1636.
3. Arutyunyan R., Sarkisian T. (1978) Modelling of the decrease of the intensity of chemical mutagenesis in culture of human lymphocytes. In: "XIY International Genetic Congress ", Moscow, 2:.203.
4. Arutyunyan R., Batikyan G., Sarkisian T. (1978) Study of the effect of protectors in lymphocyte culture of Xeroderma pigmentosum patients. In: ”Test-systems for identification of cancerogens”, Moscow, pp.38-39. 5.Arutyunyan R., Sarkisian T. (1978) Correlation of the mutagenic effect with the time of the culture treatment. Genetica (Russ) 14/12:2205-2208.
6. Arutyunyan R., Danielyan E., Sarkisian T. (1978) Study of cytogenetic activity of radioprotectors in culture of human lymphocytes. Cytologia i Genetica (Russ) –12/3: 228-232.
7. Sarkisian T. (1980) Modification of ThioTEPA action in human cells, Yerevan,1980, pp.89.
8.Sarkisian T. (1981) Cytogenetic effect of the thiol protector at different stages of cell cycle, Yerevan, pp.1-26.
9. Sarkisian T. (1981) Protective effect of WR2721 in human lymphocytes culture. Biol J Arm 34/5:540-545.
10.Cleaver J., Arutyunian R., Sarkisian T., Kaufmann W., Greene A., Coriell L. (1980) Similar defects in DNA repair and replication in the pigmented xerodermoid and the Xeroderma pigmentosum variants. Carcinogenesis 1:647-655.
11. Sarkisian T. (1982) Effect of WR2721 on the elimination of chromosomal aberrations in human lymphocytes culture. In: "IY All-Union Congress of Genetics”, Moscow, p.47.
12. Sarkisian T. (1982) Cytogenetic effect of physical mutagens in cells of Xeroderma pigmentosum patients. In: “Congress of Armenian Genetics”,Yerevan,p.83.
13. Sarkisian T. (1984) Effect of protectors in human cells. In: “First All-Union Congress of Medical Genetics”, Kiev, pp. 299-230.
14. Sarkisian T (1984) Study of cytogenetic damages in cells of allergic patients. In: "XIY International Conference of EEMS" Moscow, p.435. Arutyunyan R., Sarkisian T., Oganesyan G., Movsesyan E. (1986) Testing of the physiological protectors in human lymphocytes culture. In: ‘’Actual problems of prevention of the hereditary disorders’’. Vilnus, pp. 7-8.
15. Sarkisian T., Movsesyan E. (1986) Levels of Alpha-1-antitrypsin and chromosomal abnormalities in cells of allergic patients. In: ‘’Man and Biosphere’’, Ordjonikidze.
16. Arutyunyan R., Sarkisian T., Oganesyan G. (1986) Cytogenetic effect of ascorbic acid in human cells treated with photrin. In: ‘’Man and Biosphere’’, Ordjonikidze.
17. Arutyunyan R., Sarkisian T., Zalinyan G. (1987) Modification of the chemical mutagenesis in human cells – approach for study of the mechanisms. In: ‘’Y All-Union Congress of Genetics’’, Moscow,p.8.
18. Sarkisian T., Torosyan E. (1987) Cytogenetic analysis in cells of patients with Familial mediterranean fever. In: ‘’Y Armenian Congress of Genetics’’, p. 89.
19. Sarkisian T., Arutyunyan R. (1987) Cytogenetic study in cells of patients with allergia and Familial mediterranean fever. In: ‘’Man and Biosphere’’, Yerevan, p.91.
20. Sarkisian T., Arutyunyan R., Movsesyan E. (1987) Protective effect of Interferon in human lymphocyte culture. In: ‘’Man and Biosphere’’, Yerevan,p.14.
21. Sarkisian T. (1987) Cytogenetic study in cells of allergic patients Cytologia I Genetica ( Russ) – 21/N2:108-111.
22. Arutyunyan R., Sarkisian T., Jurkov V., Tumanyan E., Shirinyan G. (1987) Registration of the micronuclei in human cells as a test for mutagenicity. Biol J Arm 40/1:70-71.
23. Sarkisian T. (1988) Chromosomal abnormalities in cells of patients with Familial mediterranean fever. Biol J Arm 1:34-38
24. Sarkisian T., Movsesyan E., Arutyunyan R., Zasukhina G. (1988) Protective effect of Interferon in human lymphocytes treated with thioTEPA and photrin before stimulation Cytologia (Russ) 30/12:1491-1494.
25. Arutyunyan R., Sarkisian T. (1988) The modification of chemical mutagenesis in the groups of genetic risk. In: ‘’DNA-repair, chromosome alterations and chromatin structure under environmental pollutions", Moscow, p.17.
26. Sarkisian T., Arutyunyan R., Abramyan L. , Movsesyan E.(1989) Estimation of the effect of the modifiers of chemical mutagenesis and the role of repair processes. “In: Methods of genotoxicology” Leningrad, p. 86
27. Arutyunyan R., Sarkisian T., Zalinyan G., Abramyan L.(1989) Cytogenetic changes at different levels of DNA repair in human cells./ In:.” ‘’Achievements of biology and biotechnology”, Yerevan –v..24.
28.Sarkissian T., Torossian E. (1989) Les aspects ethno-genetique de la maladie periodique. GEOS (France) 13:13-19.
29. Torosyan E., Astvatsatryan V., Sarkisian T., Arutyunyan R. (1989) About some genetic problems of periodic disease. Biol j Arm 13/2:102-106.
30. Oganesyan G., Sarkisian T. (1989) Cytogenetic effect of ascorbic acid in human lymphocytes. Biol J Arm 13/42: 68-71.
31.Movsesyan E., Sarkisian T., Arutyunyan R. (1990) Cytogenetic effect of natural mutagenesis modifiers in the culture of human lymphocytes. Modification by recombinant interferon in vitro in lymphocytes of patients with bronchial asthma and healthy donors. Cytologia i Genetica (Russ) 24/2:21-24.
32. Arutyunyan R., Abramyan L., Sarkisian T., Zasukhina G., Seredenin S., Durnev A (1990) Estimation of the modification of the action of chemical mutagens in human lymphocytes culture. Biol J Arm 43/9: 733-738.
33. Arutyunyan R., Sarkisian T., Chavushyan S.., Ordukhanyan A., Martirosyan K. (1990) Study of interphase nuclei of patients with periodic disease. Biol J Arm 13/12:1013-1015.
34. Arutyunyan R., Sarkisian T., Zalinyan G., Tumanyan E., Shirinyan G.(1990) Cytogenetic study of victims of Armenian earthquake of 1988. In: " 2nd Conference of Medical Genetics of USSR’’, Alma-Ata, p.26.
35. Sarkisian T.,.Arutyunyan R., Torossyan E., Mejlumyan A. (1990) Genetic and cytogenetic study of periodic disease. In: " 2nd Conference of Medical Genetics of USSR’’, Alma-Ata, p.385.
36. Oganesyan G., Sarkisian T., Arutyunyan R. (1990) Comparative investigation of the modification of the level of chromosomal aberrations in cells of patients with nettle-rush and healthy donors. Biol J Arm 13/12: 1015-1018.
37. Arutyunyan R , Sarkisian T., Mejlumyan A., Pashinyan S. (1992) Anticlastogenis effect in cells of patients with FMF. Biol J Arm 45/1:24-27.
38. Mejlumyan A., Sarkisian T., Arutyunyan R., Panossian A., Grigoryan S. (1992) Study of modification of arachidonic acid metabolisme Biol J Arm 45/1:28-31.
39. Mejlumyan A., Sarkisian T., Arutyunyan R. (1992) Distribution of cells with chromosomal aberrations in FMF patients. Sci J Yerevan State University 1:93-97.
40. Arutyunian R., Sarkisian T. (1993) Intergroup differences of anticlastogenesis. Vestnik Rossijskoy Akademii Meditcinskih Nauk (Russ) 1,52-55.
41. Emerit I.,Arutyunian R., Sarkisian T.,Mejlumian H., Torosian E., Panosian A. (1993) Oxyradical-mediated chromosome damage in patients with FMF. Free Radical Biology and Medicine 15:1-8.
42. Arutyunian R., Sarkisian T.,Oganesian G.,Durnev A. (1993) Comparative investigation of anticlastogenic effects in cells cultures of healthy donors and patients with nettle-rash. Mutation Research 320:335-341.
43. Emerit I., Chernjavsky L., Arutyunian R., Oganesian N., Sarkisian T., Mejlumian H. (1994) Transferable clastogenic activity in plasma from persons exposed as salvage personnel at the Chernobyl reactor. Journal Cancer Res.Clin.Oncol. 120/4:558-561.
44. Sarkisian T., Emerit I., Arutyunyan R., Mejlumian A. (1994) Study of anticlastogens action in patients with Familial Mediterranean Fever. In: Int. Conf.Antimutagenesis and Anticarcinogenesis, v.25, Canada.
45. Emerit I., Oganesian N., Sarkisian T., Levy L., Chernjavsky L., Arutyunyan R., Pogosian A. (1995) Clastogenic factors in the plasma of Chernobyl accident recovery workers. Protective effect of Ginkgo biloba. In.:"Annual Meeting of the Oxygen Club of California", San Francisco.
46. Emerit I., Oganesian N., Sarkisian T., Arutyunyan R., Pogosian A., Asrian K., Levy A. (1995) Clastogenic factor in the plasma of liquidators: Anticlastogenic effect of antioxidants In: "International conference: Health consequences of the Chernobyl and other radiological accidents",Geneva
47. Emerit I., Arutyunian R., Oganesian N., Levy A., Chernjavsky L., Sarkisian T., Pogosian A., Asrian K. (1995) Radiation-induced clastogenic factors: anticlastogenic effect of Ginkgo biloba extract. Free Radical Biology & Medicine, 1 :1 - 7.
48. Emerit I.,Oganesian N., Sarkisian T., Arutyunian R., Pogosian A., Asrian K., Levy A., Cerniavski L. (1995) Clastogenic factors in the plasma of Chernobyl accident recovery workers (liquidators). Anticlastogenic effect of Ginkgo biloba extract. Radiation Research 144:198-205.
49. Emerit I., Sarkisian T., Oganesian N., Arutyunyan R., Pogosian A., Cernjavksi L., Levy A. (1996) Clastogenic factor – indicator of the level of genotoxins in blood plasma after irradiation. In: “First Conference of oncologists of SIC’’, Moscow, p.208.
50. Emerit I., Sarkisian T., Alaoui-Youseffi A., Cernjavksi L., Levy A. (1996) Post-Irradiation oxidative stress. In: “YIII Meeting. International Society for Free Radicals Research – Congress Proceedings”, Barselona, Spain.
51. Emerit I., Sarkisian T., Oganesian N., Arutyunyan R., Pogosian A., Cernjavksi L., Levy A. (1996) Application of Antioxidants for Prevention and Treatment of Irradiated Persons. In:”International Programme on the Health Effects of the Chernobyl Accident”, Paris, p.19.
52. Emerit I., Sarkisian T., Arutyunyan R., Artsrouni I.( 1996) Maladie periodique et radicaux libres. In: “Societe Francaise de Recherches sur les Radicaux Libres – Reunion d’ete”.
53. Emerit I. , Oganesian N., Sarkisian T., Arutyunian R., Pogosian A., Asrian K., Levy A., Cerniavski L. (1997) Oxidative stress-related clastogenic factors in plasma from Chernobyl liquidators: protective effects of antioxidant plant phenols, vitamins and oligoelements. Mutation Research 377:239-246.
54. Sarkisian T., Emerit I. , Arutyunyan R., Cerniavski L., Levy A. (1997) Familial Mediterranean Fever: clastogenic plasma factors correlated with increased O2 - production by neutrophils. Human Genetics 101: 238-242.
55. Sarkisian T., Emerit I., Arutyunyan R., Mejlumyan A. (1997) Role of oxygen free radicals in the induction of clastogenic factor in the cells of patients with periodic disease. Medical science in Armenia 3 / 4:131-139.
56. Emerit I., Oganesian N., Sarkisian T., Arutyunian R., Pogosian A., Asrian K., Levy A., Cerniavski L. (1997) Antioxidant Treatment of Radiation Injuries. Antioxidants for Radiation Injuries 3(2):125-131.
Emerit I., Sarkisian T. , Oganesian N., Arutyunyan R., Pogosian A., Asrian K., Levy A., Cerniavski L (1997) Ginkgo biloba extract (Egb 761) and adaptation to radiation. In:” Advances in Ginkgo biloba Extract Research, Elsevier,Paris 6 : 21-29.
58. Emerit I., Sarkisian T. , Oganesian N., Arutyunyan R., Pogosian A., Asrian K., Levy A., Cerniavski L. (1997) Oxidative stress and low dose irradiation. In: Low doses of ionizing radiation: biological effects and regulatory control”, pp. 116-120.
59. Gharagyozyan K., Sarkisian T. , Emerit I., Arutyunyan R. (1997) Molecular mechanisms of oxidative stress pathogenesis, and intensification of free radical processes of Familial mediterranean fever. In: 1st Int. Conference on Familial mediterranean fever, Jerusalem, 70.
60. Emerit I., Sarkisian T., Oganesian N., Arutyunyan R., Pogosian A., Asrian K., Levy A., Cerniavski L. (1997) Clastogenic factors in the plasma of liquidators: Anticlastogenic effect of antioxidants In: ”International Conference: Health Consequences of the Chernobyl and other Radiological accidents”, Geneva.
61. Oganesyan N., Emerit I., Sarkisian T., Arutyunyan R., Pogosian A., Asrian K., Levy A., Cerniavski L. (1997) Application of antioxidants for prevention and treatment of irradiated persons. In: “Accident Recovery workers” Project, Paris, p.19.
62. Arutyunyan R., Sarkisian T., Emerit I., Gevorkyan A. (1997) Indication of cell stress in the groups of genetic risk. In: “Medical genetic counselling in prevention of genetic disorders”, Moscow, pp. 22-23.
63. Sarkisian T., Arutyunyan R., Emerit I., Oganesyan N., Gevorkyan A. (1997) Problems of genetic monitoring. In: “Development in Armenia”, pp.118-119.
64. Arutyunyan R., Sarkisian T. (1997) Anticlastogenesis in cells of patients from the groups of genetic risk. In: “Fundamental and Molecular Mechanisms of Mutagenesis”, sect. of Mutation Research, 379/1:1.
65. Sarkisian T., Arutyunian R., Mejlumian A. (1997) Cells of patients with Familial mediterranean fever as new model for testing of genotoxins. In: “Fundamental and Molecular Mechanisms of Mutagenesis”, sect. of Mutation Research, 379/1:1.
66. Arutyunyan R., Pogosyan V., Agadjanyan E., Sarkisian T., Zalinyan G., Atoyants A., Gevorkyan R. (1998) Genetic monitoring and seismic activity. In : ” Earthquake Prognostics”, Istanbul.
67. Caseneuve C., Sarkisian T., Goosans M., Ayrapetyan A., Amselem S. (1999) MEFV gene analysis in Armenian patients with FMF: diagnostic value, unfavorable renal prognosis of the M694V homozygous genotype, genetic and therapeutic implications. Amer. Journal of Medical Genetics 65:88-97.
68.Arutyunyan R., Sarkisian T. (1999) Variability in the Sensitivity of Anticlastogens. In: “Trends in Environmental Mutagenesis”, New Delhi, pp.464.
69. Caseneuve C., Amselem S., Sarkisian T., Ayrapetyan A. (1999) Differences between frequency of mutations of MEFV gene in Armenian population. In:”Diagnostic Medicine”, Yerevan, p.94
70. Sarkisian T., Caseneuve C., Amselem S., Ayrapetyan A. (1999) Diagnostics of FMF. In : ”Diagnostic Medicine”, Yerevan, p.184,
71. Torosyan Y., Aksentijevich I., Sarkisian T., Astvatsatryan V., Ayvazyan., Centola M., Chae JJ., Kastner DL. (1999) A population-based survey reveals an extremely high FMF carriers frequency in Armenia, suggesting heterozygote advantage. In: “49th Annual Meeting of the American Society of Human Genetics”, California.
72. Caseneuve C., Sarkisian T., Amselem S. et al. (2000) MEFV mutations in Armenian patients with FMF. In:” 2nd Conference of FMF”, Antalia.
73. Torosyan Y., Aksentijevich I., Sarkisian T., Kastner D. et al. (1999) A population-based survey reveals an extremely high FMF carrier frequency in Armenia, suggesting heterozygote advantage. Amer. Journal of Medical Genetics 65: 4-2266.
74. Caseneuve C., Sarkisian T., Amselem S et al. (2000) Identification of MEFV- Independent Modifying Genetic Factors for FMF. Amer. Journal of Medical Genetics 67:1136-1143.
75. Torosyan Y., Aksentijevich I., Sarkisian T., Kastner D. et al (2000) Role of comlex alleles and gender in susceptibility to FMF in the Armenian population. Amer. Journal of Medical Genetics.
76. R.Arutyunyan, T.Sarkisian et al. (2000) UV-C Irradiation-Induced DNA Damage in Leucocytes of Patients with Familial Mediterranean Fever. Central European Journal of Occupational and Environmental Medicine 6(1):11-17.
77. Sarkisian T., Ajrapetyan H., Mndjoyan E., Hovanessian Z. (2000) Mutational screening of MEFV gene causing FMF. In: ”Conversion potentional of Armenia and ISTC programs”, p.125,Yerevan.
78. Bofella P., Sarkisian T., Arutyunyan R. (2001) Chromosome aberrations in lymphocytes of persons exposed to an earthquake in Armenia. Scand J Work Environ Health 27(2): 120-124
79. Sarkisian T.F., Ajrapetyan H.S., Mndjoyan E.H., Oganesyan Z.R., Babikyan D.T. (2001). Molecular study of MEFV gene mutations in Armenian population. In: “31th Annual Meeting of EEMS”, Belgium.
80. Ayrapetyan H., Mndjoyan E., Hovanesyan Z., Beglaryan A., Babikyan D., Grigoryan T., Sarkisian T. (2001) Molecular diagnostics of periodic desease in Armenians. In: “Fundamental and applied aspects of medical diagnostics”, Yerevan.
81. Sarkisian T., Ayrapetyan H., Mndjoyan E., Hovanesyan Z., Babikyan D. (2001) Perspectives of DNA diagnostics on heredicaty pathology on the example of FMF. Med.Science of Armenia, 2:31-38.
82. Ayrapetyan H., Sarkisian T., Mndjoyan E., Hovanesyan Z., Amselem S., Cazeneuve C.(2001) Correlation of genotype and phenotype in FMF patietns. Med.Science of Armenia, 3:28-39.
83. Ayrapetyan H.,, Mndjoyan E., Hovanesyan Z., Papazyan M., Sarkissian A., Babloyan A., Sarkisian T. (2001) Molecular genetic study in FMF patients with renal amyloidosis. Med.Science of Armenia, 4.
84. Papazyan M., Sarkisian T., Babloyan A., Sanamyan A., Leumann E., Sarkissian A. (2002) Who is at risk to develop renal amyloidosis in FMF. Clin. and Exp.Rheumatology, 20:4, 88.
85. Sarkisian T., Ajrapetyan H., Hovanessyan Z., Beglaryan A., Astvatsatryan V. (2002) Patterns of FMF morbidity in modern Armenian population. Clin. and Exp.Rheumatology, 20:4, 88.
86. Ajrapetyan H., Hovannesyan Z., Shahsuvaryan G., Sarkisian T. (2002) The spectrum of MEFV mutations in Armenian population. Clin. and Exp. Rheumatology, 20:4, 88.
87. Cazeneuve C., Atayan K., Genevieve D., Ajrapetyan H., Sarkisian T., Amselem S. (2002) MEFV mutation spectrum in FMF patients from Karabakh. Clin. and Exp. Rheumatology, 20:4, 88.
88. Nasidze I., Sarkisian T., Kerimov A., Stoneking M. (2003) Testing hypothesis of language replacement in the Caucasus: evidence from the Y-chromosome. Hum. Genet, 112, 255-261.
89. Sarkissian A., Papazyan M., Leumann E., Sarkisian T., Sanamyan A. (2003) Late administration of colchicine in renal amyloidosis of FMF: does the genotype predict response? In: “Nephrology Dialisis Transplantation”, Oxford Univ.Press,624-625.
90. Sarkissian A., Papazyan M., Leumann E., Sarkisian T., Sanamyan A. , Babloyan A. (2003) Risk factors for renal amyloidosis in FMF.In: “Nephrology Dialisis Transplantation”, Oxford Univ. Press, 624-625.
91. Touitou I., Sarkisian T. et al (2003) Allogenic bone marrow transplantation: not a treatment yet for FMF. Blood, 102:409.
92. Ayrapetyan H., Oganesyan Z., Shahsuvaryan G., Sarkisian T. (2002) Genodiagnostics of FMF in Armenia In:” Genodiagnostics in practical medicine”, 6-9, Moscow.
93. Sarkisian T., Ajrapetyan H. (2003) Mutational screening of MEFV gene causingFMF. In:”Conversion potentionalOf Armeniaand ,ISTC,,p.125,Yerevan
94. C Cazeneuve, H.Hayrapetyan, Sarkisian T., S. Amselem, et al. (2003) FMF among patients from Karabakh and the diagnostic value of MEFV gene analysis in all classically affected populations Arthritis & Rheumatism, 48:8, 2324-2331
95. A.Sarkissian, M.Papazyan, T.Sarkisian, A.Babloyan, E.Leumann (2003) Varying effect of colchicine in renal amyloidosis of FMF:does the genotype predict response. In: ““Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation”, Oxford Univ.Press,624-625.
96. Meymaryan M., Gulbudagyan A., Sarkisian T., Davidyants V. (2003) Some Data of the P/ Carini Spread in the Children Suffered from Different Diseases. In: “Proceedings of the Ist Int. Medical Congress of Armenia, 121, Yerevan.
97. Sarkisian T., Ayrapetyan H. Shahsuvaryan G. (2004) Genetic testing and counseling of FMF patients in Armenia. The European Human Genetics conference, Munich, May, (Poster Presentation/Abstracts).2004, 239
98. Ayrapetyan H., Sarkisian T., Emery I. (2004) Genetic detection of action of low doses of irradiation. International Conference Unification and optimization of radiation Monitoring on NPP location regions.
99. Ayrapetyan H. Sarkisian T., Emery I. (2004) Genetic detection of action of low doses of irradiation. International Conference Unification and optimization of radiation Monitoring on NPP location regions, Yerevan, (Oral Presentation/Article)
100. Khachatryan L., Nalbandyan N., Sarkisian T. Investigation of STI at the Center of Medical Genetics. CRDF STI Workshop, Yerevan, October, 2004 (Presentation).
101. Nasidze I., Ling E., Quinque D., Sarkisian T., et al. (2004) Mitochondrial DNA and Y-Chromosome Variation in the Caucasus.Annals of Human Genetics, 68, 205-221
102. Sarkisian T., Ajrapetyan H., Shahsuvaryan G (2005) Molecular Study of FMF Patients in Armenia. Current Drug Targets – Inflammation & Allergy, 4, 77-80.
103. Sarkisian T., Midyan S., Nazaryan L., Schinzel A., Reigel M. (2005) Partial Trisomy of 4q Region due to Familial Rearrangments. 5th European Cytogenetics Conference, Madrid, June, (Poster Presentation/Abstracts).
104. Sarkisian T., Hayrapetyan H., Shahsuvaryan G. (2005) Informativity of FMF molecular diagnostics. European Human Genetics Conference, Prague, Czech Republic, 31
105. Sarkisian T.,Midyan S.,Nazaryan L.,Schinzel A.,Riegel M. (2005) Partial trisomy of 4q region due to familial rearrangement The 5-th European Cytogenetics Conference,105, Madrid.
106. Midyan S.,Nazaryan L.,Sarkisian T. (2005) Chromosomal rearrangments in Armenian registry of chromosomal abnormalities. European Human Genetic Conference, 4, Prague.
107. Бабикян Д.Т., Саркисян Т.Ф. (2005) Молекулярно-генетические исследования при раке молочной железы. Сборник материалов международной научной конференции, посвященной 75-летию ЕрГМУ им. М.Гераци. стр. 251-253. Ереван
108. Sarkisian T., Galstyan H., Ovanesbekova T.G., Mkrtchyan A.A., Arakelyan A.V. (2005) Detection of tissue markers I women with breast canser in Armenia. The 9-th Armenian Medical Congress, San-Francisco.
109. Sarkisian T., Galstyan H., Ovanesbekova T.G., Mkrtchyan A.A., Arakelyan A.V., Voskanyan Z.E. (2005) The immunohistochemical determination of receptors in patients with brest cancer. Application of current biotechnological methods in practice, Yerevan.
110. Hayrapetyan H., Babikyan D., Sarkisian T. (2005) Genetic of Familial Mediterranean Fever in Armenians. Ninth Armenian Medical World Congress, San-Francisco, USA
111. Sarkisian T., Hayrapetyan H., Nalbandyan N., Shahsuvaryan G. (2005) Efficiency of Molecular Testing for Diagnosis, Prevention, and Prognosis of Genetic Diseases. Ninth Armenian Medical World Congress, San-Francisco, USA
112. Moradian M., Sarkisian T., Hayrapetyan H., Shahsuvaryan G., Avaniss-Aghajani E., Hartoonian A. (2005) Pathogenicity and Clinical Symptoms of Heterozygote Individuals in Familial Mediterranean Fever (FMF) in Armenian Population. The Fourth International Congress on Systemic Autoinflammatory Diseases, Bethesda, NIH,143
113. Amaryan G., Aroustamyan S., Mkrtchyan N., Astvatsatryan V., Sarkisian T., Hayrapetyan H. (2005) Tendency to Increasing the Frequency of Early Manifestation of Familial Mediterranean Fever in Children in Armenia. The Fourth International Congress on Systemic Autoinflammatory Diseases, Bethesda, NIH, 210
114. Sarkisian T., Hayrapetyan H., Shahsuvaryan G. (2005) Genetic Investigation of FMF in Armenia. The Fourth International Congress on Systemic Autoinflammatory Diseases, Bethesda, NIH, 231
115. Sarkisian T., Hayrapetyan H., Shahsuvaryan G. (2005) Molecular Study of FMF patients in Armenia. Current Drug Targets-Inflamation & Allergy : 4:1., 113-116
116. Papazyan M., Sarkisian T., Babloyan A., Leumann E., Sanamyan A., Gaspert A., Sarkissian A. (2005) Renal manifestations other than amiloidosis in FMF. The Fourth International Congress on Systemic Autoinflammatory Diseases,Bethesda, NIH, 131
117. Sarkisian T., Hayrapetyan H., Shahsuvaryan G. (2005) Informativity of FMF molecular diagnostics. European Human Genetics Conference, Prague, Czech Republic.
118. Jeru I., Hayrapetyan H., Duquesnoy P., Sarkisian T., Amselem S. (2006) PYPAF1 Nonsense Mutation in a Patient With an Unusual Autoimflammatory Syndrome. Arthritis & Rheumatism, v.54,N2, 508-514
119. Sarkisian T., Midyan S., Shahsuvaryan G. (2006). Medical genetic investigations in Armrnia. XYII European Meeting On Dysmorphology, Le Bischenberg,
120. M.Bauchet, B.McEvoy, L.Pearson, T.Sarksian, E.Quiller, K.Hovhannesyan, R.Deka, D.Bradley (2007). Measuring European Population Stratification with Microarray Genotype Data. Am.J.Hum. Genetics, 80 (5): 948-956.
121. Touitou I., Sarkisian T., Medlej-Hashim M., Tunca M., Livneh A., Cattan D., Kastner D. et al. (2007) Country as the primary risk factor for renal amyloidosis in FMF. Arthritis & Rheum, 56 (5): 1706-12.
122. Gazaryan L., Muse A., Sarkisian T., Morse D., DeHovitz J. (2007). A Survey to Estimate the Prevalence of Genital Chlamydia Trachomatis Among Women. J.Infect.Developing Countries, 1(2):214-216.
123. Sarkisian T., Ajrapetyan H., Shahsuvaryan G., Egiazaryan A. (2007) Molecular Diagnostics of FMF in Armenians. New Armenian Medical Journal, 1:6 – 11.
124. Sarkisian T., Ajrapetyan H., Beglaryan A., Shahsuvaryan G., Egiazaryan A. (2008) FMF in Armenian population. Georgian Med News, Mar: (156): 105-111.
125. Shahsuvaryan G., Hajrapetyan H., Beglaryan A., Egiazaryan A., Sarkisian T. (2008). Different Spectrum of MEFV Mutations in FMF Patients. Clinical and Exp. Rheumatology, 26,2:201.
126.Amaryan G., Hambardzumyan M., Sarkisian T., Hayrapetyan H. (2008) Comparative Evaluation of the Effect of Immunoguard, Kanjang and Colchicine on Nitric Oxide Level in Blood Plasma of Children with FMF in Dependence of MEFV Gene Mutations. Clinical and Exp. Rheumatology, 26,2:189
127. Khloyan G., Amaryan G., Sarkisian T., Hayrapetyan H (2008) Observation of Juvenile Chronic Arthritis in Children with MEFV Gene Mutations in Armenians. Clinical and Exp. Rheumatology, 26,2:194.
128. Tsulaia M., Polianskaia I., Beglaryan A., Ayrapetyan H., Sarkisian T., Pagava K. (2008). FMF and HLA Markers. Clinical and Exp. Rheumatology, 26,2:197.
129. Papazyan M., Nazaryan H., Sanamyan A., Gaspert A., Leumann E., Babloyan A., Sarkisian T., Sarkissian A (2008). Amiloidosis of FMF is the most frequent renal biopsy finding in children in Armenia. Clinical and Exp. Rheumatology, 26,2:197.
130. Hajrapetyan H., Beglaryan A., Shahsuvaryan G., Egiazaryan A., Beglaryan A., Sarkisian T. (2008). Carriers of MEFV mutations and symptoms related to FMF. Clinical and Exp. Rheumatology, 26,2:201.
131. I.Jeru, P. Duquesnoy, T.Fernandes-Alnemri, T.Sarkisian, G.Grateau, S.Amselem et al. (2008) Mutations in NALP12 cause hereditary periodic fever syndromes. Proc. National Acad. Sciences, (USA)105:5, 1614-1619.
132. D.Babikyan, T.Sarkisian. (2009) Preliminary genetic investigation in high-risk breast cancer patients in Armenia.European Journal of Human Genetics, 17:2; 191.
133. Sarkisian T., Hayrapetyan H., Yegiazaryan A., Shahsuvaryan G (2009) MEFV genotyping for diagnostics and treatment of FMF. European Journal of Human Genetics, 17:2; 191.222.
134. Jeru I., Hayrapetyan H., Duquesnoy P., Cochet E., Serre J., Feingold J., Grateau G., Jeanpierre M., Sarkisian Т. (2009). Involvement of the modifier gene of a human Mendelian disorder in a negative process. European Journal of Human Genetics, 17:2; 191.273.
135. Midyan S., Sarkisian T., Tommerup N. et. al. (2009). Identification of supernumerary marker chromosome 15. 129, European Journal of Human Genetics, 17:2; 191.
136. Midyan S., Sarkisian T., Hovhannisyan A. (2009). Cri du chat syndrome as a result of reciprocal translocation. In: XX European Meeting On Dysmorphology, Le Bischenberg,
137. G Shahsuvaryan, Midyan S., Sarkisian T. (2009). A progressive MCA/MR syndrome. In: XX European Meeting On Dysmorphology, Le Bischenberg,
138. Jeru I., Hayrapetyan H., Duquesnoy P., Cochet E., Serre J., Feingold J., Grateau G., Jeanpierre M., Sarkisian Т. , Amselem S (2010). Involvement of the modifier gene of a human Mendelian disorder in a negative process. PLoS ONE, 4:10, 676-680.
139. Sarkissian A., Amaryan G., Papazyan M., Sarkisian T., Sanamyan A. (2009) Nephropathies other than renal amyloidosis in children with FMF. Medicine:Science and Education (Yerevan), 4:13-16.
140. I.Jeru, G.Le Borgine, E.Cochet, Hayrapetyan H., Duquesnoy P., Grateau G., A.Morait, S.Amselem, Sarkisian Т. (2010) Identification and functional consequences of a recurrent NLRP12 missence mutation in periodic fever syndromes. In:Autoinflammation, L2.03:149.
141. S. Midyan, D.Babikyan, A.Hovhannisyan, H.Mkrtchyan, K.Mannik, A.Gasparyan, V.Galkina, A.Kurg, T.Sarkisian (2010) Duplication 14q22.3-q24.2 in a mentally retarded patient with clinical re semblance to BOR-BOS and OAVS. In: XXI European Meeting On Dysmorphology, Le Bischenberg.
142. Jeru I., Hayrapetyan H., Duquesnoy P., Cochet E., Serre J., Feingold J., Grateau G., Jeanpierre M., Sarkisian Т. , Amselem S (2010). Involvement of the modifier gene of a human Mendelian disorder in a negative process. In:Autoinflammation 2010, L3.03:199.
143: M. Mouradian, T.Sarkisian, H.Ajrapetyan, N.Avanesian. (2010) Genotype-phenotype studies in a large cohort with familial Mediterranean fever suggest clinical disease with heterozygous MEFV mutations. Journal of Human Genetics, 55, 389-393.

Scientific works

Medical genetics
Molecular diagnostics
Human cytogenetics
Cancer genetics
Genetics of FMF and autoinflammatory disorders
Genetics of mental retardation


Since 2000
Member of European Cytogeneticists Association (ECA)
Since 2000
Member of European Society of Human Genetics (ESHG)
Since 2002
Member of Editorial Board, "Clinical and Experimental Rheumatology"
Since 2005
President of Armenian Association of Human Genetics
Since 2005
Associate Member of Federation of European Biochemical Society (FEBS)
Since 2005
Member of the International Society for Systemic Auto-Inflammatory Diseases (ISSAID), moderator in molecular doagnostics
Since 2008
Member of the European Association for Cancer Research



1999: Gulbenkian Foundation, Portugal: Grant in medical genetics

2000: CRDF: Grant for equipment in human cytogenetic

2004-2006: CRDF: Grant in molecular genetics and diagnostics 

2001, 2005, 2010: ANSEF: Grant in molecular diagnostics

2001: Djinishian Memorial Foundation in medical genetics

2002-2003: NATO Collaborative linkage grant in diagnostics of FMF and related diseases

2001, 2002, 2003, 2004: “Armenia” Foundation Grant, Switzerland 

2008: ISTC: Grant for genetics and immunology of autoinflammatory diseases (A-1580) 

2008: European Commission: Seventh Framework Programme FP7-Health: CHERISH 

2010: ISTC Grant for International Conference: Morern Genetics in Health Care System 

2010: European Commission: Coordinator of Seventh Framework Programme FP7-ERA-WIDE: INARMERA


Fellowships by invitations

1986: University of Bratislava (exchange between Universities) 

1987: University of Budapest (exchange between Universities) 

1993, 1994, 1995,1997, 1998,1999: CNRS, France: University Paris – YI, Paris

1998, 1999, 2000,2001, 2003, 2004: INSERM, France:Hospital Henri Mondor, Paris

2000: ESHG: 1st Course in Genetics and Renal Disease, Genoa, Italy

2001: ESHG: Workshop in FISH, Bari, Italy

2001: ESHG: 3rd Course in Genetic Counselling in Practice, Genoa, Italy 

2004: ESHG: 5th Course in Genetic Counselling in Practice, Bertinoro, Italy 

2004: Fogarty Scholar-in-Residence: Harvard School of Public Health, USA 

2004: Intensive Clinical Course, Fogarty Scholar-in-Residence, USA 

2004: New York State Center for STD/HIV Prevention Training, USA 

2004: Fellowship for training program: Maternal and child health, Cairo University, Egypt

2005: NATO Science for Peace Grant: Hospital Henri Mondor, Paris, France 

2005: CRDF Collaborative Linkage Grant: Primex Clinical Laboratory, LA, USA

2006: Fellowship by Invitation from University Paris YII, France

2006: Fogarty International Research Collaboration Award, SUNY, New York, USA

2006: Fogarty Scholar-in-Residence: Harvard School of Public Health, USA 

2006: Fellowship: 17th European.Meeting on Dysmorphology, Strasbourg, France

2006: Fellowship: Gasliny Int. Conference on Rheumatology, Italy

2007: ESHG: ESHG Conference, Nice, Italy

2008: Fellowship for training course on Public health National Research Centre, Cairo, Egypt

2008: ESHG: ESHG Conference, Barcelona, Spain ISTC Fellowship: Workshop of Eurogentest: “Towards accreditation” Nice, France

2009: ESHG: ESHG Conference, Vienna, Austria

2009: ISTC fellowship: oral presentations, European Conference on Dysmorphology, Strasbourg, France

2010: ESHG: ESHG Conference, Gothenburg, Sweden

2010: CDSP Conference (Council of Europe): Lisbon, Portugal

2010: Int.Conference:”Autoinflammation: Amsterdam, Holland


Invitations with presentations

2000: Internation Consortium: Meeting FMF; Meta-Analysis: NIH, Bethesda, USA

2002: International Advising Committee: 3rd International Conference on FMF and hereditary inflammatory disorders La Grande Motte, France. 

2003: Fellowship by Invitation from University of Chicago (USA) 

2005: International Organizing Committee: The 4rd International Congress on systemic inflammatory diseases Bethesda, Maryland, USA

2006: Invitation for oral presentation: Conference in Medical Genetics, Poland, Warsaw

2004 (III; YI),2005 (Y, IX); 2006 (YI; X); 2007 (Y); 2008 (IX): CDSP Meetings. Strasbourg, France. 

2008: Scientific Committee: 5th International congress on FMF and systemic autoinflammatory diseases. Rome, Italy. 

2009: Meeting of European Commission, University of Bologna, Italy 

2010: CDSP Conference (Council of Europe): Lisbon, Portugal

2010; Meeting of CHERISH Consortium: Prague, Czech Republic

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