“Our experience in transsternal, transpericardinal and contralateral reamputation of bronchial Stump in Connection with broncholpleural fistula after pneumonectomy”, H.K. Sarkavagyan, T.S. Khachatryan. A.S. Khanoyan, A.G. Manukyan, D.L.Gevorgyan, Department of Thoracic Surgery, “Surb Grigor Lusavorich” MC, Yerevan
"Thoracic surgery", "Parasternal transpleural biopsy on the mediastinum", A.G. Manukyan, H.K. Sarkavagyan, poster presentations, Yerevan, Armenia
"Parasternal Transpleural Biopsy of the Mediastinum", A.G. Manukyan, T.S. Khachatryan, A.S. Khanoyan, D.L. Gevorgyan, H.K. Sarkavagyan, Department of Thoracic Surgery, “Surb Grigor Lusavorich” MC, Yerevan
Conference of the European Society of Surgery "Thoracic Surgery", Yerevan, Armenia
22nd Annual Conference of the European Society of Surgery
4th Conference of the Armenian Association of Surgeons
3rd European Conference of Residents and PhD students