Medical Practice
Worked as a medical assistant in Yerevan N2 medical unit, department of Traumatology
Worked as a doctor-traumatologist at the central ambulance station in Gyumri
“Contact” centre, doctor- consultant
Residency in traumatology and orthopedy, NIH MH RITO, Yerevan
Post- graduate, Yerevan
Since 2002
He works at the department of orthopeady and plastic surgery of Mikaelyan Institute of surgery
Scientific works
Thesis “Применение новой модели аппарата внешней фиксации при лечении переломов”
PhD thesis “Лечение переломов длинных костей аппаратами внешней фиксации”
Designed and created a series of new devices for external osteisynthesis and new modifications for the treatment of pathological fractures and long bone (has 5 patents issued by the Patent Office of the Chief of the RA)
Developed and introduced into clinical practice new technologies and methods of minimally invasive operative treatment of fractures of the hardware of the proximal femur, as well as total and combined comminuted fractures of the femur and tibia (has two suggestions)
Scientific works are published in periodic scientific and medical publications in Russia ("Вестник травматологии и ортопедии им. Н.Н.Приорова" Moscow, ""Гений ортопедии" Kurgan, "Трудные и нестандартные ситуации в хирургии. Новые технологии в медицине" Izhevsk), Bulgaria ("Спешна медицина" Sofia), Georgia ("GeorgianMedicalNews" Tbilisi), Armenia ("Вестник хирургии Армении" Yerevan, ""Медицинский вестник Эребуни" Yerevan, "Здоровье человека" Yerevan, "Вопросы теоретической и клинической медицины"Yerevan)