Arthrosis is a slowly progressing, non-inflammatory degenerative disease of joints. Usually, the arthrosis is observed in people of average and advanced age. Arthrosis symptoms include rigidity in joints, pain, and small deformation, restriction of movements without increase of temperature or increase of volume of joints.
The standard treatment of arthrosis is directed, first of all, at removal of pain and elimination of functional restrictions. The arthrosis pharmacotherapy only weakens symptoms, but doesn't influence on the course of disease. Narcotic analgetics, non-steroid anti-inflammatory preparations, corticosteroids and slowly operating preparations of gold, alpha-penitsillimin and methotrexate are for this purpose. Besides pharmacotherapy surgical interventions are applied for arthrosis treatment, physiotherapy exercises and physiotherapeutic procedures. Despite progress in the development of the modern pharmacology, available preparations for arthrosis treatment have ability to break normal activity of functional systems of organism, aggravating with that condition of the patient.