Almost all of us are these days, when unbearably drawn into a dream, a desire to take a nap, even at work. Hence, poor performance, and irritability. Excessive sleepiness interferes not only work but also leisure and childcare. In medical language, the phenomenon is called hypersomnia hypersomnia.
As a rule, the problem of daytime sleepiness begins at night. Inadequate sleep over a long period of time significantly reduces the pace of your life.
Habits, provoking a bad night's sleep is quite often the cause of daytime sleepiness. Try to practice the following tips to help improve the quality of nighttime sleep, and as a consequence, to avoid sleepiness and irritability during the day.
A. Get enough sleep
Most adults need 7-9 hours of sleep per night, and teenagers more than 9 hours. Some are accustomed to spend the morning of the case, for an hour or two of time that it is possible to reduce sleep and spend.
Two. Remove from the bed all the things that distract
The bed you have to be used only for sleeping well, or sex. Do not watch TV in bed, using laptop, or play video games. Also in the bed does not need to check the account and to call the hot debate. All this has a negative impact on your sleep.
Three. Wake up at the same time
People who have problems with sleepiness, you need to learn to go to bed and get up at a certain time, even on weekends.
4. Gradually switch to a different time of falling asleep
If you're used to stay up late, try for a few days each time going to bed 15-20 minutes earlier than usual. Gradual adjustment of the schedule are much more effective than if you're just going to go for an hour or two earlier.
Five. Set a regular time eating

Eating at the same time, helps regulate your circadian rhythms. Excellent dinner and breakfast time, snack and coffee and donuts in the morning or a sandwich late at night during the day prevent shortages of energy, which will worsen your sleep. The gap between the meal and later sent to bed should be at least 2-3 hours.
6. Be physically active
Regular exercise (about half an hour a day) a great premise for your good night's sleep. Exercise, especially aerobic, help falling asleep quicker and sleep better. In addition, they give you more energy and maintain your brain active during the day. But it is better to train at least 3 hours before going to bed.
7. Adjust the schedule
If you believe that just can not afford to sleep 7 or 8 hours a day, you just need to make some adjustments to your own schedule. Move some of your activities on the evening of the night or early to late morning. Try to eliminate unimportant tasks. Sufficient sleep will help you work better in the daytime.
Eight. Do not go to bed until you feel sleepy
Feature drowsiness from fatigue. In the bed go when you're sleeping - sleep on the move, his eyes closed, nodding. This is different from the usual tired feeling.
9. Do not nap in the evening
A short night sleep negatively affects the night, and daytime sleepiness is even stronger.
10. Avoid consumption of alcohol on the night
Most believe if alcohol helps sleep, but in fact he almost deprives you of deep sleep needed to feel rested. In the future, that are accustomed to drink alcohol at night, at night you start to wake up as soon as its effect will disappear.